Toxic foods
for parrots
The theobromine in chocolate is a highly toxic alkaloid for many animals, including parrots. Theobromine can cause cardiac or respiratory arrest soon after ingestion. Dark chocolate (unsweetened Bakers type) is more toxic at a rate of 15 mg of theobromine per 100 grams than milk chocolate 1.5 mg of theobromine per 100 grams. Theobromine is also a stimulant like caffeine. sign of toxicity: vomiting, diarrhea, fits, hyperactivity.
Potato (some parts)
The potato is not toxic, it is certain parts of the latter that are: the peel as well as the green parts that are sometimes found on potatoes. These green parts contain solanine, a very toxic alkaloid that forms on potatoes that are overexposed to light. This alkaloid affects the central nervous system if ingested in significant amounts. It is also necessary to remove the germ and the eyes of the potatoes, because the solanine accumulates there. Solanine is not destroyed during cooking.
Solanaceae (potato) family, contains a lot of solanine (toxic).
Green tomato
Tomatin, a substance similar to solanine. Plants and leaves are also poisonous.
Garlic and onion
The disufides contained in garlic and onion are toxic to birds, they cause serious blood problems (drop in red blood cells).
Apple or pear seeds and plum, cherry, apricot and peach kernels
contain a cyanide derivative which can cause discomfort up to the death of the bird.
Avocado and guacamole
It has been proven in research done in various laboratories and universities that the whole avocado plant is poisonous. Both the wood, bark, leaves, pit and skin of avocado contain a toxin called persin. Persin changes the metabolism and prevents proteins from being ingested or absorbed by the body. Its concentration depending on the variety of avocado, the bird can die in a few hours or a few days. Not knowing which kind contains more or less persine, it is absolutely necessary to avoid giving them.
Coffee, soft drink, energy drink
(anything that contains caffeine)
Your parrot already has a very fast heart, if you give it that his heart will probably stop beating.
Dairy products
Milk (and dairy products) contain lactose which birds cannot digest. In addition, they are products low in calcium and far too high in fat. Lactose or lactase remains in the bird's crop, ferente, and gives it diarrhea. Also, if it is converted into glucose and galactose (two smaller forms of sugar), birds cannot convert galactose to glucose and, as a result, galactose accumulates in their blood and interferes with transport and uptake of blood. glucose. This action often results in the death of the parrot.
The alcohol
It is obvious that alcohol causes neurological and behavioral disorders in all animals, which can lead to death.
Rhubarb leaves
They contain high concentrations of oxalic acid, a source of intestinal irritation.
It contains a narcotic myristicin, which can cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting in birds.
Cold cuts
Too many preservatives ... sulfites, sulfates, nitrites, nitrates, etc.
May contain a bacterium toxic to birds: clostridium botulinum.
Raw meat and poultry
Salmonella and other bacteria