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Propriétaires Perroqet Pirate

Martine and Marc

Marc Lapointe propriétaire de Perroquet Pirate
Martine Laplante propriétaire de Perroquet Pirate

We are a couple from Quebec who have a great passion for animals in general and here is our story ...


Several years ago, we were passionate about aquarium keeping. We had a lot of aquariums. We have even reproduced seahorses. Despite our other animals (cats-dogs-fish), we one day started by having our first parrot named Pauli (blue-fronted Amazon). A slut with whom we fell in love. Then the passion quickly took over. We wanted a second one. Lots of hours of fun, reading, working out outdoors, etc.


In the summer we liked to share our passion in public parks with people. This allowed our parrots to socialize, to let them enjoy the sun and have fun with them at the same time. We have been doing this for many years.


You have surely seen us walking at Domaine Maizerets, in the ice cream shops, in the North Marsh, in parks in Ste-Foy, in the streets of Charlesbourg, Lac-St-Charles, Lac-Delage, Beauport.


We have also participated in many pirate or simply civilian events:




Propriétaires Perroquet Pirate
Propriétaires Perroquet Pirate

Before the start of the company (Volunteering):


- The Holidays of New France (2010)

- The Holidays of New France (2011)

- The Masquerade at Loews le Concorde (2010)

- La Mascarade du boulevard Bastien (2010-2011 without the parrots)

- Halloween at Domaine Maizerets (2011)

- Meeting for people with mental disorders or deafness  

  (Sign of Hope Center - 2011)

- Children's party at the Manoir du Lac-Delage

- Children's party at Lac-St-Charles

- Carrie Factory Amusement Center (2012)


After the start of the company (Volunteering) :


- The Holidays of New France (2012)

- The Holidays of New France (2013)

- Children's birthday (2013)

- Children's birthday (2014)

- Adults birthday (2014)

- Oral presentation for students in a school (2014)

- The Holidays of New France (2015)

- Animation for a sick child for Opération Enfant Soleil (2015)

- The Holidays of New France (2016)

- Courses for an Entrepreneurship-Studies program (2017)

- Operation Enfant Soleil at Costco Ste-Foy (2017)

- RDV2017 (2017)

- Marie-Fitzbach Cultural Center 1h15 manipulation (2018)

- Operation Enfant Soleil (2018)

- PetFriends Fundraiser, Fox Community, North Wings (2018)

+ lots of self-financing activities ...


One day, we were approached by a company to do activities for them. As everything was no longer a volunteer, we started to do our research to find out how to do things right. It was then that we discovered that we had to acquire a permit from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife (exhibition permit) to do this kind of activity with exotic animals like ours.  The great demands of the ministry and the large sum of money to invest to start the process were very disheartening. After long weeks of reflection, research and more, we decided to go into business.


The company that wanted to hire us was putting a lot of pressure on us to have us during the break week. We started by setting up our banner (designing the graphic, the logo, taking it all to a printing company). We figured it would take business cards (graphic design, wear to a printing company) to promote who we are.  We created the company "Perroquet Pirate" on March 1, 2012. We then collected documentation to obtain our license from the ministry. We had a veterinarian for many years, but he did not have specialties for treating exotic animals. It took us an avian vet to do an exam on each parrot and sign a service contract for us. It was not easy to find in our beautiful Quebec City! We also had to find an insurance company willing to insure this kind of activity. It was a nightmare to find! After many weeks of sleeping very little, researching the Internet, making many phones, going to the vets with each parrot, producing the document with all the other information, our request was made on March 20, 2012 to the ministry.  


We also received our mascot.


On April 24th, we ordered our beautiful inflatable tent which must take 1.5 months to be delivered to us.


According to the ministry, the permit was to be given around April 15. April 27 we were still waiting and impatient  to see her !  


On May 1, 2012, our ministry permit was finally issued! We exploded with joy !!!


On May 17, 2012, we finished writing our service contract after several long evenings.


We bought our caravan on May 2, 2012 and we carried out the lettering in July 2012 ... In December 2014, we had to buy the promoter due to the breakage of our caravan. On September 28, 2017, new purchase of a promoter due to many problems with the first and new lettering.

Parrot Pirate has had an incredible amount of bad luck in all of its years (weather, traffic accidents, mechanical breakdown, body burn, weather damage, etc.), but we have always stuck to it .

Despite everything, we can proudly say that we have built something wonderful that makes people happy.

Since the beginning of the company to our credit:

(list of public or large-scale activities)


Évènements grands publics Perroquet Pirate
Propriétaires Perroquet Pirate
Propriétaires Perroquet Pirate
Évènements grands publics Perroquet Pirate
Martine Laplante propriétaire de Perroquet Pirate
Évènements grands publics Perroquet Pirate
Marc Lapointe propriétaire Perroquet Pirate
Évènements grands publics Perroquet Pirate
Évènements grands publics Perroquet Pirate
Marc Lapointe propriétaire Perroquet Pirate
Évènements grands publics Perroquet Pirate
Évènements grands publics Perroquet Pirate
Propriétaires Perroquet Pirate

Media publications about us

Publications médias Perroquet Pirate
Martine Laplante propriétaire de Perroquet Pirate
Marc Lapointe propriétaire de Perroquet Pirate
Publications médias Perroquet Pirate
Marc Lapointe propiétaire de  Perroquet Pirate
Martine Laplante propriétaire de Perroquet Pirate
Publications médias Perroquet Pirate
Les Propriétaires Perroqet Pirate
Martine Laplante propriétaire de Perroquet Pirate
Publications médias Perroquet Pirate
Propriétaires Perroquet Pirate
Crise de la COVID-19
Fermeture obligatoire par le gouvernement: 
10 mars 2020 au 28 juin 2020
décembre 2020 au 8 février 2021
21 avril 2021 au 9 mai 2021
18 décembre 2021 au 11 février 2022

Même lors de réouvertures, nous ne pouvions offrir que 10% et moins de notre offre de service dû aux restrictions encore en place.

Aucun revenu et les besoins des animaux étaient toujours là.
Un stresse épouventable chaque jour pour combler tous les besoins.
Merci à tous les gens qui nous ont aidés durant la crise. sans vous rien n'aurait été possible.
Propriétaires Perroqet Pirate
Propriétaires Perroqet Pirate
Hommage à Thérèse Côté

27 janvier 2024

Décès de madame Côté à 91 ans (Mère de Marc) 

Nous avons été tous les deux ses proches aidants depuis de nombreuses années tout en accomplissant les aventures de Perroquet Pirate

Nous souhaitons ici lui rendre un dernier hommage, car c'est en grande partie grâce à elle si nous avons pu réaliser ce rêve et fonder Perroquet Pirate.

Reposer en paix 


Business hours

telephone for info: (418) 906-3206

If we are unable to answer you please leave a message in our voicemail box.

MONDAY            9h00-22h00

TUESDAY           9h00-22h00

WEDNESDAY     9h00-22h00

THURSDAY        9h00-22h00

FRIDAY               9h00-22h00

SATURDAY         9h00-22h00

SUNDAY             9h00-22h00

Conure soleil

Copyright Pirate Parrot.

Directed by Martine Laplante

and Marc Lapointe

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Animateur / Chauffeur
de jour en semaine (sur appel)

de jour en semaine (sur appel)

Prenez note: Nous n'offrons aucun service de coupe d'ailes, coupe de griffes, limage de bec, gardiennage d'animaux, vente animal, soin à domicile et consultation aviaire à domicile.

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